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It is as easy as pie for a JTE to notice and point out pronunciation mistakes made by Japanese learners, .... or is it? Why cannot so many of you do that??


ジャパリッシュ教師は、"Japalish" も言えんね

ジャパリッシュ教師は、絶対に Japalish という単語さえも発音はできない。r ができない英語教師は比較的めずらしいが、Lが言えない(文脈によるが)英語教師はむしろ多数派。しかし、English という単語さえ言えない English teacher っていうのも滑稽を通り越して悲しいでしょ。

I am absolutely sure that a JTE who speaks Japalish cannot pronounce the very word "Japalish" properly. English teachers who cannot pronounce an r sound are in the minority, but those who cannot produce an L sound are actually quite common. English teachers who cannot say "English" . . . Ain't it sad?


Who decides who will become teacher trainers?


多くの生徒・学生の欠点は、英語の単語のスペリングを、全体としてやみくもに覚えている、覚えようとしていることである。単語の中のひとつひとつの文字と、単語の中の音がどう対応しているかを意識しない。フラッシュカードは、そういう「文字と音の対応関係無視」の象徴的存在だろう。だいたい、中学段階で、初めて単語を見たときに、一瞬で flash されてそれを瞬間的に認識させようと努力することの意味は何だ? これから何百回、何千回とその単語にどこかで出会うなかで、語彙認識のスピードは自然に速くなるよ。それを、あった初日に flash させて、なにをさせたいの? 活動の意味があるか、ないか、自分の頭で考えろ。

One weak point among a lot of Japanese EFL learners is that they try to and do remember the spelling of a word as a whole, without paying attention to sound-letter correspondence. That unwise practice is symbolized by the use of "flash cards" by junior high school teachers. Why on earth do you want to train your students to recognize a word when it is "flashed" for a fraction of a second, on the day they encounter it for the first time in their life?



いい加減な発音で長い文章を暗唱させるな。きちんとした発音で一つの文を read, look up, and say させろ。それができたら次の文を read, look up, and say させろ。生徒の時間とエネルギーを無駄なことに使わせるな。

DO NOT make your students recite a passage with katakana pronunciation. DO make them read, look up, and say one sentence. When they succeed, make them do another sentence in the same way. DO NOT waste your students' time and energy by forcing them to do something useless.



予備校教師が学校の先生に教え方を教える、というニュースがあったり、学校の先生は、悲しいほど英語ができない、とかTOEIC関係者に言われる。要するに、学校の英語の先生は英語ができなくて、かつ教え方もヘタだ、という世間の評価である。そんなこと言われるような状態でいいのか? 悔しくないのか。学校英語教師! 教え方の上手いヘタは客観的には表せないから、とりあえずTOEICで900くらいとれよ。なにか反論するのはそれからにしろ。でないと、まったく説得力なし。

Sometimes prep school teachers are invited to teach school teachers how to teach students. Meanwhile, it is often pointed out that junior and senior high school English teachers' English proficiency as measured by TOEIC tests are miserably low. What all this means is, combined together, that you are generally seen as a cohort who are poor both at teaching and using the language. Isn't that pathetic? Do you admit that? Does it not blow your mind? If you want to prove otherwise, first, get at least a score of 900 in TOEIC, before presenting your case. Otherwise, whatever you say is not convincing at all.




In my last post, I disapproved of debating as an English learning task, but come to think of it, IF judging criteria for debating matches include scales regarding the quality of English itself, like those used in speech contests, a debate match would become a totally different animal. Shadowing, which basically should not be attempted by an EFL learner, could be a beneficial activity IF conduced under a close supervision by a strict and accuracy-conscious coach. Therefore, the conclusion should be that it is any timed or speeded tasks that drive learners to seek fluency without accuracy that should be avoided.



I have seen a lot of debating matches in Englishes fought between Japanese EFL learners, but I do not remember a single match that was comfortable to listen to. Due to their rules and judging criteria, debating matches by EFL learners inevitably end up contests to see who can deliver Japalish more quickly. The key to improving Japanese English education had better be sought after not in those one-shot events but in day-to-day classes.




Pronunciation is the lowest-order skill, which means it is the most basic of all the components of a language and therefore should be the foundation of everything else. A learner who speaks with poor pronunciation, or terrible grammar, should never be allowed to continue discussing, say, a global issue, in an English class, because it is an English class, not a content class.


b と d が区別できない生徒と、th と z の区別ができない教師

よく「bとdの区別もできない生徒がいて...」ということを言う教師がいる。しかし、dog を bog という生徒も、bus を dus という生徒もいない。音が言語の本質だということが分からず、たんに文字を書かせようとするから、そういうトンチンカンな発言がでる。英語教師として向いている方向が違うんだよ。その反面、中学1年で出てきたはずの the を、英語教師になってまで、za と発音している人間のなんと多いことか。恥を知れ。そのほうがよっぽどひどい。

A lot of English teachers complain that some of their students confuse "b" with "d." There is, however, not a single student in this world who pronounces "dog" as "bog," or "bus" as "dus." What that means is that they all can tell a "b" from a "d" all right. What the my-students-cannot-tell-b-from-d remark reveals is that the teacher does not understand what is fundamentally important about a language: language is sounds. They need to get their priorities straight. On the other hand, it is truly mind-boggling to realize that Japanese EFL teachers who still have not acquired the proper pronunciation of the little word "the," which they pronounce as "za," are not exceptional at all. Shame on you, DO-KA-TA-KA-NA teachers! That is worse than the b/d letter confusion. I feel sorry for your students to be taught by you.




The core activity in an Japanese EFL classroom should be reading aloud, in which learners convert letters, or writing, to sounds or speech. When they can read aloud a given sentence well enough, they try changing a part of the sentence to create a different utterance. And then, they write down what they have just said. Thus, reading, speaking, and writing are integrated.

However, just making your students read aloud many times does not require a human coach. A monkey would suffice.




If you are a professional English teacher, never ever say that you cannot comfortably discuss things in the language that you are getting paid to teach. Shut up and brush up what you are selling. Otherwise, quit your profession.



Of all the prefectural or municipal teacher trainers I have encountered so far, only three are good-enough users of English. The rest are rather, candidly, pathetic. That should not be so, obviously.



If I may state the obvious, a teacher who cannot teach his own students well is a second-class teacher whatever else he can. Sad to notice that they are just scarecrows, who have nothing inside.


やはりかなり英語ができて発音が上手な人でも、副詞の末尾の..tly や dly は難関のようである。側面解放ができない。

I once again confirmed that adverb-final "..tly" and "..dly" as in "indirectly" are rarely acquired even by someone whose pronunciation is overall quite good. Then, why did I acquire lateral plosion without being taught by anyone else? 




The argument that it is only natural that primary school teachers are unable to teach English is invalid because, without exception, they have studied the language for six years at junior and senior high schools plus for a couple of years at college. I would not be surprised if they can use very basic English required at primary schools today. If they cannot--and in fact that almost always seems to be the case--that is another piece of evidence that English teachers at junior and senior high schools and colleges are not doing their job.




There are simply too many English teachers who are not good enough at the language they are getting paid to teach. There is no way that someone who cannot comfortably talk and write about the most familiar topic, his/her daily duties, can produce students who can use English at a functional level.

でもそれって誰のせい? それは英語教員養成している大学の教師のせいでしょ。つまり我々。

But who is responsible for that? Whose fault is it that there are so many English-incompetent English teachers in the society? No doubt, those who are teaching university TEFL methodology courses are to blame -- partly, at least. Yes. That's us.


Wish Them Well

夕暮れ時、家路を急ぐ若い会社員を見ると、どうしても、この春自分のもとから新人英語教師として旅立っていった連中を思ってしまう。大丈夫かな.. ちゃんとやっているだろうか..

These days, when I see young men and women hurrying home from work, I cannot help but think about those who left my (post- and undergraduate) seminars as novice English teachers this April. Wish they are all doing fine.




The mixed-bag Course of Study that purportedly aims at enhancing students' ability to think critically and express their views effectively prevent classroom teachers from thinking critically about the Course of Study itself, describing itself as sacrosanct. Is this meant to be a joke?




The most disillusioning experience is to realize that someone who is quite vocal and renowned in the English teaching circle in Japan can only speak miserable-sounding English. The very fact that such a person can assume a leading position is evidence that something is very wrong with our field.




Teaching English is a very straightforward matter. You have only to present a model, and train your students, in one way or another, to imitate it until they reach the level you want them to. Period. That applies whatever materials you are using and whatever activity you are conducting, from a song, to a dialog, to oral reading of a paragraph, to an interview game.




One of the most important things that you need to make sure as an English teacher is to give your students directions such that those who obediently follow them can indeed improve their command of English through your course. If, for example, a female student does everything you tell her to do, from solving all the questions in the workbook to neatly writing down Japanese translations in her notebook, only to find herself still unable to use English after one year of sitting in your course, you cannot complain if she calls you a fraud.




Junior high school teachers who are ordered to follow the ludicrous Course of Study deserve our sympathy, for sure. But come to think of it, those who blindly do whatever they are told to do, like "evaluate" students according to that unmethodical scheme, to cover their own ass are no more literate than those pathetic farmers in the Edo period.

ダメな授業 makes me sick


Nothing makes me as sick--and furious--as observing an English class in which students are maltreated and/or neglected does. Students who are denied their future by their teacher resemble pets maltreated by their owners and children abused by their own parents.