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例:(Crown English Communication Iより)

CD音声: President Obama shares Dr. King’s dream of justice and freedom for American blacks,

教師肉声解説→ Obama and King share the same dream. Obama also dreams that American blacks should be given justice公平な扱い they should be treated justly公平に Obama believes that American blacks should be given freedom, they should be free.

CD音声: but he would be the first to agree that this dream has not yet come true for everyone.

教師肉声解説→ Has this dream come true now, for everyone, for every black person in America?  If I asked Obama, “Do you think King’s dream has come true?  Is everyone free today?  Is everyone treated justly 公平に?” Obama would be the first person to say no. He would quickly say no.  He believes that King’s dream has not yet come true, not completely, not for everyone…yet.

CD音声: “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus—and nonbelievers.

教師肉声解説→ America is a country of many different religions宗教. Some of us are Christians, Some of us are Muslimsイスラム教徒, Some of us are Jewsユダヤ教徒, and some of us are Hindusヒンズー教徒, and some of us are non-believers, people who do not believe in any religions.

CD音声: We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this earth,

教師肉声解説→ We, Americans, are shaped, or made by every language and culture. In America, there are many languages spoken, and people have many different cultural backgrounds, European culture, Hispanic 中南米系の culture, African culture, Indian culture, Chinese culture and Japanese culture. And those people originally came from many different parts of the world.

CD音声: and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation,

教師肉声解説→ we Americans have gone through difficult times, had bitter experiences, we had civil war 南北戦争 and segregation 隔離政策 in which blacks were separated from whites

CD音声: and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united,

教師肉声解説→ those were dark days, but we have come out of those days in the 21st century and now we are stronger than civil war years 南北戦争時代 and we are more united, blacks and whites and native Americans and Asians are living in harmony as one nation

CD音声: we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass

教師肉声解説→ it is difficult NOT to believe, or we strongly believe, that old hatred 憎しみ … today we talk about ヘイトスピーチ or hate speeches, hatred is the same as hate 憎しみ , so we strongly believe old hatred will someday go away, disappear and we will love each other