Teaching and Learning in Neoliberal Age
と題したラウンドテーブルセッションを開催しました。 私はセンター所長として冒頭にご挨拶をする。。。役目だったのですが、昨日の朝、ジョギングに行こうと玄関でシューズの紐をしめたと思ったら、あ! 「魔女の一突き」とも呼ばれる年中行事 Gikkury Goashy がキタ〜〜!というわけで今朝も起きてみるとほぼ歩けず、最後まで葛藤の末、面目ないことに本日の出席は断念。で、以下の挨拶を音声ファイルに録音して送り、「声の出演」とさせていただきました。
It is a shame that I cannot be here with you in person due to a temporary health problem, but as the Director of The Center for Teacher Development and Educational Research, let me say a few words to start this wonderful event. It is our great pleasure to host this round-table session Teaching and Learning in Neoliberal age, with Dr. Christy Kulz as the main speaker.
Dr. Kulz specializes in the sociology of education and has published a book, with a rather shocking title Factories for Learning, which is a reworked version of her award-winning Doctoral Thesis.
According to the flyer prepared by my colleague Prof Nakata, since the late 1980s, educational reforms have been going on in England, with a strong emphasis on test results, which creates the dichotomy of winners and losers. The government has forced schools to ‘perform’ no matter what their social context is.
Having read up to this point, I believe I am not alone in this room to be reminded of rather similar developments in Japan that have drawn attention and criticism in the educational circle.
On Aug 2, Osaka Mayor Hirofumi Yoshimura said in a press conference that because he is very unhappy about the fact that city of Osaka has been at the very bottom in the nation-wide achievement test for years, he would try to raise the scores on next year’s exam by linking the test results to personnel evaluations and bonuses for school principals and teachers.
Upon hearing this, we cannot help but feel the City of Osaka may be at the bottom definitely not because teachers in Osaka are not trying hard enough. But most likely because unfavorable socio-economic backgrounds are working against the students in that area.
Ignoring those complex factors and blaming only the teachers for the test results is very misguided to say the least and linking the test results with their bonuses is simply outrageous.
Teachers not machines and students are not products. They are all humans.
Fortunately, as far as I know, such a movement is still an exception, not a rule, in Japan. So I hope today's round-table session will be a valuable occasion to learn a lot from Dr. Kulz about what is happening in England as well as to exchange ideas on the issue in order to reflect upon what we can and should do to prevent our schools from degenerating into Factories for Learning.
Thank you.