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Spring came. Freddie, the leaf, was born on a branch of a tall tree.
Hundreds of leaves were born on the tree. They were all friends.
Together they danced in the breeze and played in the sun.

Daniel was the largest leaf and Freddie's best friend. He knew many
things. He explained they were part of a tree in a park. He also
explained about the birds, the sun and the moon.

Freddie loved being a leaf. Summer was especially nice. Many people
came to the park.


以下、教師の語り聞かせ (導入でも可能だし、確認ならもっと可能)

In winter it was very cold (といいながら寒いジェスチャー) but  little by little
(指で仕草) it got warmer and at last spring came.

One day, on a branch (といいながら枝の絵を描く) of a tall tree (木の絵を描く), a leaf
was born (絵を描く).  What color was the leaf?   Green.  Very light green.

His name was ... Freddie.   This is a story of Freddie, the leaf.

On that day, many leaves were born on the tree.   How many leaves?
Very many.   Ten?  More than ten.  fifty?  Much more than fifty.   One
hundred?   More!   Two hundred?  More.  Three hundred?   Maybe more.
Four hundred,... five hundred...... hundreds of leaves.    Hundreds of
leaves were born.

They knew each other very well.  Those hundreds of leaves were all friends.

Sometimes, the soft wind, the breeze came (と言いながら、身振りと口で、ヒュ~と表現).  In
the breeze, Freddie and his many friends danced together (といいながら、踊る)
On a sunny day, it was very warm, and they played in the

He had many friends, and one of his friends was Daniel.  Daniel was
Freddie's best friend.  Daniel was very large.  Actually he was the
largest leaf on the tree (といいながら絵を描くか、ジェスチャー)
