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予備校教師が学校の先生に教え方を教える、というニュースがあったり、学校の先生は、悲しいほど英語ができない、とかTOEIC関係者に言われる。要するに、学校の英語の先生は英語ができなくて、かつ教え方もヘタだ、という世間の評価である。そんなこと言われるような状態でいいのか? 悔しくないのか。学校英語教師! 教え方の上手いヘタは客観的には表せないから、とりあえずTOEICで900くらいとれよ。なにか反論するのはそれからにしろ。でないと、まったく説得力なし。

Sometimes prep school teachers are invited to teach school teachers how to teach students. Meanwhile, it is often pointed out that junior and senior high school English teachers' English proficiency as measured by TOEIC tests are miserably low. What all this means is, combined together, that you are generally seen as a cohort who are poor both at teaching and using the language. Isn't that pathetic? Do you admit that? Does it not blow your mind? If you want to prove otherwise, first, get at least a score of 900 in TOEIC, before presenting your case. Otherwise, whatever you say is not convincing at all.