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(全くの素人の妻曰く: 馬鹿じゃないの? 意味分からない。)

Another disgusting episode: at a certain high school, distributing translation for the textbook materials is not allowed before, during, or even after class; the teacher is required to orally give out the translation for students to jot down in class.

What a stupid way of spending precious class time! I bet those who set up such nonsensical rules cannot score 900 in TOEIC, pass STEP 1st, give an extended speech in English, or write an essay. In a nutshell, those teachers cannot use the language!!

They prevent promising young teachers to give effective classes and force their students to make futile efforts simply because they do NOT understand themselves what being able to use the language is about. Preposterous! You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see that unless students are encouraged to retain English, not Japanese, in their long-term memory after class, they will never acquire the command of English.

Why are they so, so stupid??