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Flight to the UK サンプルレッスンプラン


Total English 2
Lesson 3
Flight to the U.K.

Welcome aboard Flight 201 to London. Our flight time will be about 12 hours and 30 minutes. We will arrive at 3:15 Friday afternoon. Please put your bags into the compartments above your seat or under the seat in front of you. After the plane takes off, we will serve lunch. Thank you. And enjoy your flight.

Target Sentence:
We will arrive at 3:15.
We will serve lunch.




Today, you will hear lots of numbers. So, let's review numbers in English. (注:willが新出事項のレッスンの導入にwillを使っていいのか?もちろんいいにきまっている。状況から文の意味がわかるし、willを使う自然な機会である。)
Let's count from one to twenty.  Here we go!
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, . . . . ten, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!
And now from twenty to one hundred, Here we go!
Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.
生徒全員: Two
生徒全員: Four

Today, Hiro goes to London.  Hiro's aunt lives in London. So, Hiro visits his aunt in London.

How do you go from Japan to London? By car?  No.  By train?  No. By bicycle?  Of course not.  By ....(と問いかけて)plane! Yes, by plane.   You go to Haneda Airport (or Narita Airport) by train and from Haneda, you fl〜y(といいながら飛行機になったジェスチャーをする)to London. (というのを、あらかじめ東京からロンドンまでの略図をかいておいて、それにフライトっぽい曲線を書き入れ、そこに飛行機の絵を描きながら言う。)

Now, how long do you think it takes from Japan to London? (構文が知らない、などということは気にせず使う。表情やジェスチャーや図解でわからせる、こと。)How many hours is it from Japan to London?  How many hours? (挙手を促す) Any ideas? Five hours?  Seven hours?  Nine hours?  Ten hours?  Eleven hours?  Twelve hours?  Thirteen hours?  (というのを生徒と適当に掛け合いをしながら引き出す。があえて正解はいわないでおく。) You will find out the answer later.

Now Hiro is on a plane.  A cabin attendant 客室乗務員 makes an announcement.  Now listen to the announcement. 機内放送で〜す。聞いてみましょう。

Welcome aboard Flight 201 to London. Our flight time will be about 12 hours and 30 minutes. We will arrive at 3:15 Friday afternoon. Please put your bags into the compartments above your seat or under the seat in front of you. After the plane takes off, we will serve lunch. Thank you. And enjoy your flight.

どうだったかな?何を言ってたかな。数字を言ってたの聞こえたな? Did you hear some numbers?  I will play the CD again. This time, when you hear a number, raise your hand. 数字が聞こえた瞬間に、手を上げてください。上げたらすぐおろしていいよ。

Welcome aboard Flight 201 [挙手]  to London. Our flight time will be about 12  [挙手]hours and 30 [挙手] minutes. We will arrive at 3:15  [挙手]Friday afternoon.


Welcome aboard Flight 201 [挙手]  to London. Our flight time will be about 12  [挙手]hours and 30 [挙手] minutes. We will arrive at 3:15  [挙手]Friday afternoon.


フライト(便)番号:    A.   211      B. 201
飛行所要時間:      A.  12 hours           B. 12 hours  and 30 minutes
到着時刻:    A.   4:15        B.    3:15

What is the flight number?  211 or 201 (two-o-oneと発音して確認)?
How long is the flight?    12 hours or 12 hours and 30 minutes?
What time will they arrive in London? (と何気にwillを入れる) 4:15 in the afternoon, or 3:15 in the afternoon?

Welcome aboard Flight 201 to London. Our flight time will be about 12 hours and 30 minutes. We will arrive at 3:15 Friday afternoon.

Okay. Let's check the answers.
The flight number?  (生徒みんなでさけぶ)  Yes, two-o- one. (zeroは オウって言います.オウのほうが言いやすいからね)
The flight time?  (生徒みんなでさけぶ) Yes, 12 hours and 30 minutes.
They will arrive in London at . . .(生徒さけぶ) 3:15 in the afternoon.

Okay, so, this is Flight 201 to London. Their flight time will be about 12 hours and 30 minutes.  It's a loooooooooong flight, isn't it?  You can watch three or four movies or play lots of games or read books or you can sleep. Twelve hours and thirty minutes is a looooooooong time.  And after that loooooooong 12 hours and 30 minutes, the plane will arrive in London at 3:15 in the afternoon.

Now, when you are sitting in a plane, you have to fasten your seatbelt.(と言いながらシートベルトをするジェスチャをする) And, you canNOT have your bag on your lap like this.(と絵を描く) Why?  Because it can be very dangerous. When a plane is flying,  (といいながら右手を飛行機にみたてて右手をゆっくりとうごかす) sometimes, if the airstream is wild(と言って、自分の息を乱気流にみたてて、右手に息を吹きかける), the plane can suddenly shake wildly(と言いながら右手を急激に上下させる)。
Then your bag can suddenly fly in the air (と言いながら、バッグが空中をとんで後ろの乗客の頭にぶつかる絵を描く)and can hit someone else!  It is very dangerous.

So you have to put your bags not here (と言いながら膝の上のバッグにバッテンをつける) but where?  Where do you have to put your bags?  (といいながら頭上のコンパートメントと前の座席の絵を描く) Where?  Here?  Here? (とコンパートメントと前の座席の下を指す)

Welcome aboard Flight 201 to London. Our flight time will be about 12 hours and 30 minutes. We will arrive at 3:15 Friday afternoon. Please put your bags into the compartments above your seat or under the seat in front of you.

Once again.(こんどは該当箇所でポーズ)
Welcome aboard Flight 201 to London. Our flight time will be about 12 hours and 30 minutes. We will arrive at 3:15 Friday afternoon. Please put your bags /(教師肉声 put your bags) into the compartments above your seat / (教師肉声 into the compartments above your seat) or under the seat in front of you(教師肉声 or under the seat in front of you.

 You have to put your bags here(と言ってコンパートメントを指差す) into the compartments, or spaces here, above your seat OR under the seat(と前の座席の下を指差す)in front of you.

Now, are you hungry now? Who is hungry now?(と挙手させる) If you are flying on a plane for five hours, six hours, seven hours, you will be HUUUUNgry.  You have to eat.  Hiro will be hungry. Will he eat something?

Welcome aboard Flight 201 to London. Our flight time will be about 12 hours and 30 minutes. We will arrive at 3:15 Friday afternoon. Please put your bags into the compartments above your seat or under the seat in front of you. After the plane takes off, we will serve lunch. Thank you. And enjoy your flight.

Now, the plane is on the ground.(と言って、止まっている飛行機を右手で表現。)After the plane takes off(と、手を斜めにして上昇を表現。しばらくして水平飛行を表現)they will serve lunch.  Flight attendants will come saying, "Beef? Chicken?"
So Hiro can eat beef or chicken and maybe rice.

If you now have a choice between beef and chicken, who wants to have beef?
(と言って挙手を募る)Who cares for chicken?(と言って挙手を募る) Who wants to have coffee?  Who wants to have tea?(といって挙手を募る)


Now listen once again, looking at the text. (といってCDを流す。和訳は見ればわかるので、あえて触れないで、音声だけを流す。)

Welcome aboard Flight 201 to London. Our flight time will be about 12 hours and 30 minutes. We will arrive at 3:15 Friday afternoon. Please put your bags into the compartments above your seat or under the seat in front of you. After the plane takes off, we will serve lunch. Thank you. And enjoy your flight.

Welcome aboard Flight 201 to London. (Welcome!  This is Flight 201. We are going to London.)
Our flight time will be about 12 hours and 30 minutes.
(We will be flying for 12 hours and 30 minutes.  We will arrive in London after 12 hours and 30 minutes. It's a long flight.)
We will arrive at 3:15 Friday afternoon.
(When we arrive in London, London time will be 3:13 pm. It will be Friday afternoon.)
Please put your bags into the compartments above your seat
or under the seat in front of you.
(Put your bags into the compartments. The compartments are above you. Or put your bags under the seat of the person in front of you.)
After the plane takes off, we will serve lunch. (After we begin to fly, then, we will serve lunch.)
Thank you. And enjoy your flight.
(Thank you.  Enjoy your flight.  Relax and watch movies, read books, magazine, or play games.)

(発音で最大のポイントは flight。frightにならないように集中的に練習する)
flightは飛行機のフライトです。でも frightは恐怖っていう意味です。
Enjoy your flight.は、空の旅をお楽しみください、だけど、Enjoy your fright.って言っちゃうと? そう!恐怖を楽しめ、になっちゃうね。
飛行機のフライト: fli, fli, fli, flight, flight
恐怖:  fri, fri, fri, fright, fritght


<目標文法事項の willの確認と軽い練習>


Welcome aboard Flight XXXXXX  to London. Our flight time will be about XXXXX hours and 30 minutes. We will arrive at X :XX  XXXday afternoon.

いずれにしても、この時間の最後には全員が、本文のCDに合わせて(1)本文を見ながら同時読みができる、(2)本文を見ずにシャドウイングができる、(3)Read and look upができる、のいずれかの状態で終わることを目標にします。