Our understanding of intelligence is being reconstructed. The IQ
score, developed early in the twentieth century, is supposed to be a
measure of a person's innate intelligence. A score of 100 is defined
as normal, or average. The higher the score, the brighter the person.
T: はい最初の文ね。Our understanding of intelligence なんの理解? S1
S1: 知能
T: そう。知能というものに対する我々の理解が、だね。
Ss: our UNderSTANDing of inTELligence
T: その理解がなんだって? S2
S2: 再建されてる
T: うん。is being ... ed
Ss: is BEing REconSTRUCTed
T: つぎの文。主部はどこで終わる? S3
S3: century
T: あたり。じゃあ、developed から century までを ( )で囲んで。挿入的な説明だから。 じゃあその(
)を飛ばして、measureまで読むよ。The IQ SCORE is supPOSED to be a MEAsure
Ss: The IQ SCORE is supPOSED to be a MEAsure
T: 単なる、The IQ score is a measure と比べるとどうちがう? 知能指数は指標です、じゃなくて、指標と... S4
S4: 指標ということになっている
T: そう。「~ということになっている」けど、実際はあやしい、
Ss: The IQ SCORE is supPOSED to be a MEAsure
T: はい。で何の指標かな? innate ってなんだっけ。英語で説明しよう。innate intelligence is
intelligence you have when you are .... S5
S5: born
T: その通り。生まれた時に持っている、生まれつきだね。
inTELligence はい!
Ss: a MEAsure of a PERson's inNATE inTELligence
T: じゃあ最初から続けていってみるぞ(手を叩きながら)。 The IQ SCORE is supPOSED to be a
MEAsure of a PERson's inNATE inTELligence
Ss: The IQ SCORE is supPOSED to be a MEAsure of a PERson's inNATE inTELligence.
T: はい、見ないでもう一回行ってみるぞ。
Ss: The IQ SCORE is supPOSED to be a MEAsure of a PERson's inNATE inTELligence.
T: はい、じゃ、見ないで書け!
T:はい、じゃあ今度は、さっき飛ばした( )のなかも入れて、言ってみよう。「
Ss: The IQ score, developed early in the twentieth century,
T: 「人が生得的に持っている知能の指標ということになっている」
Ss: is supposed to be a measure of a person's innate intelligence.
T: じゃあAさんがBさんに、質問してみな。「
SsA ペアの片方が一斉: When was the IQ score developed?
T: はい、Bさん答えろ。
SsB: It was developed early in the twentieth century.
T: はい、次、Aさんこう聞いてみて: It is supposed to be a measure of WHAT?
SsA: It is supposed to be a measure of WHAT?
T: はい、Bさん答えろ。
SsB: A person's innate intelligence.
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